Turning Over a New Leaf

Turning Over a New Leaf
ADS Coffee Supplies Admin

I’ll hold my hands up: I’ve never been amazing at being environmentally friendly. I always forget my bag for life at the supermarket, I’ve been known to favour the car over public transport and I like the house toasty.

But this year, with it being the ‘year of climate action’ and all, I’ve decided that it’s time to turn over a new leaf.

That means getting serious when it comes to sustainability, and it starts with the small things. Which is why I picked up a larger recycling bin in IKEA at the beginning of the year, and am now religiously ensuring that I recycle everything I can.

And it’s not just at home either – at ADS, we’re fully aware of how the coffee industry contributes towards the environmental issues we all face, and that’s why we now supply a wide range of biodegradable and compostable products and NO polystyrene cups.

We want to do more, but it’s a start. This year we will continue to increase our current range of biodegradable and compostable products and decrease our plastic contribution wherever possible.

How are you tackling the climate crisis? If you’ve got any ideas, I’m all ears! 

Sophie - Allied Drinks 

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